
Our Services

Sourcing Factories

Design & Development


Lab Test


Logistic Support

Sourcing Factories

Supplier Identification: Our dedicated research team continuously identifies new suppliers based on their product range, financial status, infrastructure, man power and efficiency of management. Also, our dedicated team continuously updates relevant information on new manufacturers and new products so you can get the best supplier data for your needs. Even advanced information pertaining to new varieties of value additions, fabric, accessories, new technology area and quota availability is also updated. You can rest assured; Zara Fashion is your fresh, relevant and most advanced supplier data informer.

Design & Development

Zara Fashion is having strong samples service team they can arrange the sample development with the quality during the buyers schedule times. We also gives you competitive edge over other importers by providing samples. We assure samples are developed to suit the season’s colors, fabric and style based of our buyer’s requirements. Just tell us your requirements and we’ll courier samples to you directly. By offering this crucial service, we assist your marketing efforts in your own country and giving you the needed edge for more sales.


For a transparent process, status reports based on the multi-state inspections are transmitted to you by fax or email. Also, the production progress is analysed in relation to the delivery terms and suitable course of actions taken to ensure goods are delivered in time. The consignment is allowed for shipment if only it is up to the buyers required standard. It is easy to see that all these sourcing and management services will not only save you time, frustration and fear of the unknown, but it will save you money!

Lab Test

Lab testing is one of the key parts of our business activities. It is included in our services which really helpful for manufacturers and exporters to conduct their business without any risk. And buyers also can be ascertained that their goods are completely secured in terms of physical and chemical testing.

In general, we get done some lab testing like; Dimensional Stability, Twisting, Color Fastness to water wash, Color Fastness to Rubbing etc. Also we are able to perform the following Lab Testing:

A) Fabric : Construction Particulars (counts, constructions and weight), Strength, Measurement and Seam performance.

B) Analysis : Flammability, Appearance after washing/dry cleaning, Fiber analysis etc.

C) Color Fastness : Perspiration, Light, Bleaching, Dry Cleaning, Organic Solvents, Hot Pressing etc. Dyes & Pigment tests are also carried out.

D) Garment: Saliva, Pilling, Appearance after wash etc.

“Your Trusted Global Sourcing Partners”


Zara Fashion closely monitors your orders from sampling to shipment. Status on sampling, production and shipment are send to buyers regularly. We maintain a pro-active approach towards identification of problem areas and corrective measures are taken immediately to ensure timely deliveries. We are dedicated to a complete customer satisfaction, and frequent reporting and highly responsive customer support are just our tools to your utmost satisfaction!

Logistic Support

All shipping documents are reviewed and verified as per buyer
instruction. All cargo is handled by reputable forwarder to obtain correct information regarding ETD and ETA of vessels because time delivery is as important for us as it is to the buyer.

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